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Articles — Sweet Relief

MusicGoldmine Donates Items For Sweet Relief Musicians Charity

Posted by James Duncan on

Unable to tour, many musicians have been especially challenged during the COVID-19 crisis. For every Beyonce or Bruce Springsteen, there are thousands of professional musicians for whom live performances provide their sole source of income. donated a Jimi Hendrix package, consisting of a pair of our items to raise funds for Sweet Relief, a 501(c)(3) charity helping musicians in need. 100% of the funds raised by the sale held May 9 went to the charity. The donated items included a framed Jimi Hendrix memorabilia collage that contains two great photos of Hendrix, one of him playing onstage and one candid shot...

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Music Is Not Cancelled!

Posted by Lilly Duncan on

“Music is not cancelled!” It’s a theme heard around the world during these trying times. While it is true that you cannot go to a live performance, artists and performers are getting creative as they find new ways to bring music to you in your home. Many artists are hosting sessions on Facebook Live, Instagram, Zoom and other social platforms direct from their homes simply to provide entertainment. The content varies from artists performing solo or collaborating with band mates from different locations. Others are getting more creative, showing their online audience how to play one of their famous songs....

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